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Waymo Used As Role Model By SF Fire Department

Photo du rédacteur: Dario DeserrannoDario Deserranno

While the path towards widespread adoption of self-driving cars is riddled with challenges, and media often focuses on accidents and setbacks, a recent video by the San Francisco Fire Department highlights a positive aspect: a Waymo AV demonstrating exemplary behavior when encountering an approaching fire truck. This instance serves as a powerful reminder of the potential for AVs to contribute positively to our roads.

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Mobility Masterclass est un projet d'Espaces Mobilités soutenu par EIT Urban Mobility, une initiative de l'Institut européen d'innovation et de technologie (EIT), un organe de l'Union européenne. EIT Urban Mobility agit pour accélérer les changements positifs en matière de mobilité afin de rendre les espaces urbains plus vivables.

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